Aaron Hunt, LPC

Waco TX
I usually meet with my clients weekly/virtually and work to develop therapeutic relationship built on trust, curiosity, and compassion. I love helping my clients identify and experience their emotions in their body, with grounding/meditation techniques, so that as they move through their sessions with me, they come away with an increasing awareness and ability to articulate their deep, rich inner world. It's very much like learning a new language for some. When appropriate, I bring in ketamine assisted therapy (KAP) as a way of helping clients rapidly move through some of their unconscious blocks that may be a result of trauma, insecure attachment styles, or habituated stress, depression, or anxiety.
I've been working with psychedelics personally since 2019 and am so grateful for their ability to manifest what has remained hidden in the subconscious. It's not always been an easy journey but it has given me back many gifts that I thought I had lost because of past pains and traumas. I am currently undergoing psychedelic assisted therapy training with Integrative Psychiatry Institute and am cleared to begin conducting Ketamine sessions in person and virtually with Journey Clinical. I'm so enthusiastic about MDMA and psilocybin being approved and rescheduled one day because I work primarily with clients facing addiction and trauma with presenting symptoms like depression, anxiety, and stress.