Aestra Retreats
Vancouver BC
Our preferred way of working with clients is in a retreat setting where there is a higher concentration on self-care.
In addition to our 5-day in-person psilocybin-assisted retreats in the Netherlands, we provide 4 group preparation sessions online and another 4 group integration sessions online.
Aestra Retreats has a team of facilitators with more than 1200 combined guided psychedelic journeys over 100 retreats. We provide safe and legal psilocybin-assisted retreats in the Netherlands.
It takes courage and compassion to work in a helping profession. When not able to prioritize their own self-care, therapists, social workers, nurses, doctors, first responders and educators are all at significant risk of burnout.
Aestra hosts retreats for helping professionals because we believe that the better we take care of our helpers, the more people they will be able to help.
For all the support you provide to others, you too deserve to be supported. For all compassion you share with others, you too deserve compassion.
We invite you to rest, relax, nourish your body and connect within.
We've got you.