Alexandre Winkler, RSHom
Registered Homeopath
London ENG
I practice exclusively with natural, safe and non-addictive substances, and resort to a large range of natural remedies such as herbal mother tinctures, Bach Flowers, Schassler salts (or tissue salts), bowel nosodes, and other homeopathic remedies (from low to highly potentized states, traditional remedies and more recent ones from the UK Guild of homeopaths).
In a psychodynamic and holistic framework, I explore with my patients the roots of the health concerns they are experiencing and the energy states they want to achieve, not only considering the physical location or ‘material origin’ but also their hereditary, nutritional, behavioural, emotional, mental, and spiritual ramifications. The nature of the condition, its duration, intensity and how this state of illness is experienced will determine the type of treatment that will be tailor-made to my patients’ needs.
I am a European, trained and qualified homeopath based in London, also offering consultations in French, German, and Spanish. I was born and raised in Paris where I lived until my early adulthood but my origins are half German and Spanish. Originally, I studied maths and physics and received a ‘grande ecole’ diploma from ESCP Europe in 1999 after which I worked in investment banking for over 10 years.
In 2008, I decided to change my life and studied homeopathy at the Centre of Homeopathic Education in London. Besides the therapeutic effects of nanoparticles, treating like with like, and natural holistic healing I have a deep interest in Jungian analytical psychology. While running my own international homeopathic practice in the last 5 years I have attended various courses about C.G. Jung’s works and have completed a foundation certificate in counselling skills. My other interests are empiricism, multiculturalism, languages and their connections with our thought processes and life development, LGBT issues, and mindfulness and energy states.