Allison Hauser, MA, RMHCI, RYT
Seminole FL
You may be unsure what you want from psychotherapy or how it could help. You may know only that you are struggling and wish life could be better. You may want help for a specific issue. Or you may have had therapy before but not seen the changes you want.
I offer no quick fixes or magical cure-alls. I offer an opportunity for you to be truly seen, heard, known, and understood, and come to understand yourself more deeply. From this place of understanding, new solutions and life options can emerge. This is also how I view plant medicines "work" with us.
We will begin with a consultation during which I will begin to get to know you as a whole person, and the life trajectory that has led to where you are. You will also get a sense of me and how I work. We will then both be able to make an informed decision about whether and how psychotherapy could help you. The first step is to reach out.
I do not provide or distribute plant medicine. I offer the opportunity to explore your relationship to psychedelic medicine and the journey experience in order to deepen your understanding of you and your life. Ultimately, this understanding can open up to new ways of living more honestly and fully.
Individual, couples, group psychotherapy
- Clients in Florida and California, USA
- To refer clients outside of Florida and California to referrals or resources
- Clinicians or businesses seeking expert psychotherapist opinion
Psychedelic Integration Support Groups
- Open to all