Beverly Alomepe, PMHNP-BC
Psychiatric Nurse Practitioner
Dallas TX
At Transcendmental Psychiatry, Beverly Alomepe, PMHNP-BC supports clients by providing personalized medication management, nutraceuticals, herbal supplements, mindfulness-based therapies, nutritional psychiatry, and psychedelic integration therapy.
Beverly Alomepe, PMHNP-BC is a board certified psychiatric nurse practitioner. She received her psychiatric training at Frontier Nursing University and trained as a nurse at UMass Chan Medical School. She has specialized training to work with treatment resistant depression and addictions using therapies such as psychedelic integration therapy, mindfulness-based therapy, and somatic (body-centered) therapy. Beverly has also gained much knowledge through her work as an artist and journey overcoming alcohol use disorder though holistic wellness, mindfulness, and spiritual exploration. These experiences are close to her heart and inform her practice.