Daniel McQueen, MA
Executive Director and Co-Founder, Psychedelic Specialist, Author and Educator at the Center for Medicinal Mindfulness
Boulder CO
At the Center for Medicinal Mindfulness, a legal psychedelic therapy clinic in Boulder, Colorado, we have led thousands of people through cannabis-assisted and ketamine-assisted psychedelic therapy sessions that have brought major breakthroughs in their lives. We help them to heal trauma, PTSD, depression, anxiety, grief, and feelings of meaninglessness.
Since our founding in 2012, we have become an established leader in the emerging field of psychedelic therapy. Our vision is to heal and transform humanity and our shared ecology through education, facilitation, and integration of safe, legal psychedelic practices. We work with legal medicines only (cannabis, ketamine) in both individual and group settings, and always with medical oversight. We offer private retreats, trainings, and community events.
We are also an intentional community of healers and activists that promote safe psychedelic use for personal and global healing and transformation.
Legally Practicing Psychedelic Plant Medicine Specialist since January 2014
Psychedelic lightning rod, Daniel McQueen, MA, is a psychedelic specialist, activist and guide, and author of the book, Psychedelic Cannabis: Breaking the Gate. Along with his wife, Alison McQueen, MA, LPC, ATR who served as Sub-Investigator in the MAPS MDMA-for PTSD phase 2 trials, in 2014 he co-founded one of the the first legal psychedelic plant medicine therapy center in the United States, the Center for Medicinal Mindfulness in Boulder, Colorado, serving as the executive director. Daniel also founded Mindfulness-Based Psychedelic Therapy and the international Cannabis-Assisted Psychedelic Therapy training program called Psychedelic Sitters School.
To test his own activist edges, Daniel initiated the Medicinal Mindfulness Extended-State DMT research and exploration program to implement a new DMT administration protocol that was designed by Dr. Andrew Gallimore and Dr. Rick Strassman. Most recently, with a team of Naropa aligned psychedelic advocates, Daniel helped found the non-profit Medicinal Mindfulness Center for Psychedelics, Spirituality and Sustainability to focus on the use of psychedelics in ethical professional settings for healing and to help transform the global Climate Crisis.
Mindfulness Based Psychedelic Therapy at the Center for Medicinal Mindfulness
Mindfulness Based Psychedelic Therapy Trainings, Credentialing, and Practicums
Psychedelic Sitters School
DMTx Training Program