Ember Health
New York City NY
Literature suggests that the mindset and physical setting a patient experiences, often referred to as “set and setting” can influence the effectiveness of ketamine in addressing their depressive symptoms. We have worked with a series of professionals to custom design sensory experiences that will help guide the desired mood states of our patients, including sound tracks, aromatherapy scents, and custom blends of tea. We encourage patients to come to each session with clear intentions in mind, and to reflect on their infusion experience at its conclusion. We work with mental health care providers to help guide patients in advance of and following their infusions.
At Ember Health, we are committed to providing an exceptional patient experience. This is critical, not only for the enjoyment of the people we work with, but because literature shows that a calm, safe, intentional experience contributes to the efficacy of the ketamine infusion treatment.
We have carefully curated spaced that are conducive to a thoughtful, contemplative, and convenient experience for our patients and guests. Our sun-filled offices in Brooklyn and Chelsea provide quiet, peaceful spaces for treatment. Our offices are paper free, and we pride ourselves on ensuring a zero wait time.