Gary Merel, MS, LPC
Life Coach
Ann Arbor MI
My goal is to always help my clients make the best most informed decision as to the nature of my services. When first engaging a person interested in my services, it is important to understand their interest in personal coaching as well as psychedelic medicine in relationship to their life. To that end, I offer a free exploratory phone call. That provides an opportunity for both me and the prospective client to make an informed decision to determine if my services will support them in the manner they seek. That call provides the basis for screening a possible new client and helps me obtain a more in-depth understanding of the person's specific needs and goals. I often suggest one or two coaching sessions before a session. It is also important to find out if the person has had any prior experience with psychedelic medicine. If I proceed, I will email a new client intake form and other related information. If I determine a prospective client is not a good fit for my practice or there are some obvious red flags, I will inform them that I am not the right person to help them. It is uncommon to find a prospective client should not engage in psychedelic medicine. Several reasons indicate not moving forward, including mental health challenges, possible medication interactions, unreasonable expectations, or not aligning with my practice's mission. If a determination is made not to move forward, I will call the person and follow up with an email.
The medicine ceremonies and In Person psychedelic experience have specific components in common. They both incorporate elements of the four pillars of my practice. Those pillars include Set and Setting, Establishing Intention, Integration of the experience, and providing an understanding of the nature of psychedelic medicine and being in a relationship with it. Clients participating in either receive similar informational materials. Working with clients individually allows more time to develop a rapport and an in-depth understanding of needs and concerns. A session is easily customized to meet those needs and address any concerns.
I am a certified life coach with 25 years of experience as a functional medicine practitioner at Ann Arbor Holistic Health in Michigan. My journey led me to explore holistic well-being and personal growth. In June 2022, I retired from my practice, cherishing the transformative experiences I shared with patients.
Driven by my passion for integrative healing, I completed the Andrew Weil Center for Integrative Medicine's program on the therapeutic use of psychedelics, exploring their potential for psychological and spiritual growth. I've also immersed myself in indigenous wisdom, learning from communities like the Huichol Indians in Mexico and the Shuar and Quechua Indians in South America. My recent journey deepened my understanding of healing practices among the Kallawaya Indians in the Bolivian Andes.
Over the past five years, I've become a trained facilitator, guiding individuals and small groups through transformative psychedelic experiences in a safe and supportive environment, fostering personal insights. I'm actively involved in transformative men's programs, the ManKind Project and the Path 2 Spirit Warrior Program, where I empower men in personal growth and purpose discovery.
My journey has led me to meaningful connections with spiritual teachers, deepening my spiritual awareness. As a cancer survivor, I help others find clarity and meaning in their lives amid their challenges. With a diverse background in life coaching, functional medicine, psychedelics, indigenous wisdom, and spiritual teachings, I'm dedicated to assisting others in their quest for personal transformation and holistic well-being. I believe that by aligning mind, body, and spirit, individuals can unlock their true potential and lead fulfilling lives."
My practice offers individual life coaching, micro dosing support as well as indivisual and group psycodelic medicne faciliation.