Geeta Arora, MD

Medical Doctor
New York NY
I work with client's that have a psychologist or therapist. Please let me know who referred you if you decide to reach out.
Dr. Arora is building the standard of care for ketamine treatment. In an industry that is lacking true standards of care, Dr. Arora is using her expertise from her years as an intensive care physician to dose ketamine with unwavering precision. In collaboration with therapists that have been trained in her methodology, she utilizes intramuscular ketamine dosing. Dr. Arora's proprietary approach, known as Precision Breakthrough Medicine (PBM), emphasizes patient empowerment and employs ketamine as a therapeutic tool. With the patient at the center of the treatment process, PBM fosters a collaborative atmosphere, encouraging individuals to harness their innate healing abilities. This patient-centered approach has proven effective for those who have not responded to conventional treatments, including previous ketamine therapies. Dr. Arora is dual board certified in Internal Medicine and Integrative Holistic Medicine. She is also a herbalist. She practiced intensive care, acute care, integrative medicine and end of life care for over a decade before fully stepping into ketamine dosing for ketamine assisted psychotherapy. She has been affiliated with and taught residents clinical medicine at several academic centers including the Mayo Clinic, Mount Sinai, St. Peters, Mercy and Providence. She is certified as a psychedelic practitioner by MAPS and CIIS and is trained in Internal Family Systems (IFS) Dr. Arora accepts clients by referral.
I also offer trainings for therapists. I occasionally offer experiential retreats for therapists and clinical psychologists.