Graham Nelson-Zutter, RPC, CT, RTC
Registered Professional Counsellor, Counselling Therapist
Vancouver BC
If you are seeking to understand your relationships, what your deepest values are, and who you are, I provide a safe place for you to explore these questions. If you have suffered through the experience of needing to hide your authentic self, we can collaborate to discover the life you are meant to live. I would like to help you be the author of the next chapter of your life story. I am interested in hearing your experience of life and learning how you move through the path set out before you. Together, we’ll tap into inner resources to help you on your journey and explore core values that will illuminate the steps ahead.
I'm currently a student/candidate in Vancouver Island University (VIU) Psychedelic-Assisted Therapy (PaT) Graduate Program. I completed a Psilocybin-Assisted Therapy practicum in both group and solo client retreats in the Netherlands. I'm also currently a student/candidate in a M.Sci in Existential Analysis (EA) psychotherapy at University of Salzburg, Austria.
My call to work in mental health started after an rewarding 20-year career working in technology. I have always been interested in helping people deepen their connection to themself, to become more honest and vulnerable with themself and more congruent and authentic in their relationship to themself and the world.
I believe that when we expand our inner dialog we are better able to respond to what the world is asking of us. When we become better at hearing ourself, we become better at hearing others. This attunement to our lives, and the lives of other, helps us find meaning. With the context of purpose, so much is possible.
Psychedelic medicines are not a fix-all for all of our problems. For some of us, these entheogen molecules may help us go deeper sooner. This ability to lessen the length of suffering is one of the most compelling reasons to work with psychedelics.