Hallie Swan, LCPC
Licensed Clinical Professional Counselor
Red Lodge MT
With my therapy training, I hold a strong container of professionalism, clinical insight, healthy boundaries, and safety to tend to the trauma needs of my client. At the same time, I maintain the perspective of them as a spiritual being having a human experience.
In my work with clients, we straddle these aspects of self: working with more acute trauma, and also embracing more expanded perceptions of reality. I am happy to guide clients in discovering their more expanded, connected, and integral nature.
I work somatically, which means that I work primarily by drawing clients’ attention to their body, and helping them become aware of the unconscious feelings, memories, and associations that live there. Accessing this can liberate a wealth of life force energy, and help us grow into more dynamic beings with more choice in how we navigate life.
I have a psychospiritual counseling practice where I invite clients to experience their consciousness through direct, embodied experience. This may involve creative exercises, exploration in nature, or ritual. I specialize in helping survivors of sexual trauma find their power.
In addition to my traditional therapy training, my work has been influenced by my continued practice of nondual meditation, energy medicine, and metaphysics. My work is also influenced by my years of work as a mentor for transition-aged youth, which incorporated collectivist approaches to resourcing, restorative justice, and initiatory rites of passage.
My work is invariably feminist, social and earth justice-oriented, and Earth-honoring.