Justin Levy, LAc
Acupuncturist, Shamanic Healer
Portland OR
Individual sessions (in person and zoom), group classes (yoga and kundalini mediumship foundations)
My clinic, Spirit House, is a spirit centered, trauma informed sacred space. We offer individual sessions and group classes with a focus on personal as well as inter-relational integration. We believe our disconnection from spirit is the cause of a profound sickness in our society. Healing requires bridging the divide between modern understanding and traditional methods. We believe we must honor, respect and learn from the carriers of indigenous knowledge, while also developing our own connection to spirit. Our clinic is dedicated to maintaining relations with 3 distinct traditions-- ayahuasca at Los Cielos (Pucallpa, Peru), capoeira and candomblé through Mestre Almiro Aquilino (Salvador, Brazil) and Kashmir Shaivism/Tantra.
Kundalini Mediumship Foundations series, yoga series