Justine Corrie, MA
Bruton ENG
Each client is unique and I offer a diverse set of tools and practices to allow me to work with you wherever you are in your process. My practice focuses on meeting you within a depth relational process founded on compassion and acceptance.
I offer psychotherapy that can include, but is not limited to talking therapy - if appropriate we may work somatically, creatively, imaginally and expressively. Some tools I draw upon include:
Deep listening
Somatic Enquiry
Mindfulness practices
Art Therapy
Ecotherapy Practices
I honour the wisdom of your inner-healer and follow your process as it unfolds.
Beyond all the training, tools and techniques, I'm just a human meeting another human. Meeting you, wherever you may find yourself, in authentic relationship is the practice I come back to again and again.
Justine is a psychotherapist, ecotherapist and facilitator living in Somerset. She has an MA in Core Process Psychotherapy, having graduated from the Karuna Institute in 2013, and works in private practice from her garden cabin and local woodland.
Justine is also working as a psychedelic guide on current clinical trials for DMT-assisted psychotherapy in the UK. She serves on the advisory council of The Institute of Psychedelic Psychotherapy and chairs the IPT special interest group in Spiritual Emergence.
Justine became interested in the transpersonal after reading Stan Grof aged 18. That interest was explored further during a 7-year period of living and travelling in Asia and discovering the Eastern Contemplative practices of India and Tibet. A period of Spiritual Emergency in her twenties led Justine towards a path that some 10 years later saw her training to become a psychotherapist. She now has a particular interest in supporting the safe integration of these experiences for others.