Lean Into Your Life
Ann Arbor MI
When first engaging a person interested in my services, it is important to understand their interest in a psychedelic medicine session in relationship to their life. To that end, I offer a free exploratory phone call. That provides an opportunity for both me and the prospective client to make an informed decision to determine if my services will support them in the manner they seek. That call provides the basis for screening a possible new client and helps me obtain a more in-depth understanding of the person's specific needs and goals. I often suggest one or two coaching sessions before a session. It is also important to find out if the person has had any prior experience with psychedelic medicine. If I proceed, I will email a new client intake form and other related information. If I determine a prospective client is not a good fit for my practice or there are some obvious red flags, I will inform them that I am not the right person to help them. It is uncommon to find a prospective client should not engage in psychedelic medicine. Several reasons indicate not moving forward, including mental health challenges, possible medication interactions, unreasonable expectations, or not aligning with my practice's mission. If a determination is made not to move forward, I will call the person and follow up with an email.
Many of us are challenged to make that vision a reality. We all have a desire for a loving relationship, a job, and a career that supports us and allows us to grow personally and professionally. Most people have an underlying current running through their lives compelling them to create the change they seek.
For most people, the obstacles to creating that life can seem imposing. Stress, anxiety, depression, uncertainty, self-image, or relationship issues can easily draw our attention away from where we envision our lives could be.
I offer tools needed to create the life you envision. He is an effective catalyst that will help you unravel your life’s dilemmas. My approach to coaching involves the combination of various coaching modalities. He will help you to create personal ceremonies and practices that will help you manifest the intention and direction to live a purposeful life.
Where appropriate the use of psychedelic medicine could be incorporated into the process of exploring your life’s options. The use of this medicine is a powerful tool that can help a person experience an expanded view of their life and in turn perceive options not otherwise available.
My practice is focused on life coaching. I work with cleints interested in micro dosing as well as offering both in person and group psycodelic faciliation.