Marc Aixalà, MS
Health Psychologist
Barcelona B
The way I practice psychotherapy has been shaped by the different teachings and trainings I received, by the teachers and mentors that accompany me, and also by my own personal therapeutic process and the travels I have done. I understand psychotherapy as a process in which the client and the therapist share a common objective. I like to set a limited number of sessions to address the main problem that the person is facing and facilitate change as quickly as possible by promoting the client’s own resources, and to be able that evaluate the results of our joint effort. We will do the minimum possible number of sessions, but always the sessions that are needed.
Marc Aixalà is a Telecommunication Engineer, a Licensed Health Psychologist and Psychotherapist with post degree studies in Integrative Psychotherapy, and Strategic Therapy, and is trained in the therapeutic use of Non Ordinary States of Consciousness, and in MDMA assisted-psychotherapy for PTSD. He coordinates support services at the International Center for Ethnobotanical Education, Research and Service (ICEERS) where he provided integration psychotherapy sessions for people in challenging situations after experiences with non-ordinary states of consciousness since 2013. Marc works as a psychotherapist in Barcelona, a Holotropic Breathwork facilitator, and a member of the staff for Grof Transpersonal Training. He has facilitated Holotropic Breathwork workshops in Barcelona, Switzerland, Romania, Israel and Slovenia and is conducting research into its therapeutic applications. He has also been a Team Leader and Trainer at the Kosmicare psychedelic harm reduction service at the Boom Festival. Marc also offers talks, lectures and trainings about integration and psychedelic psychotherapy.
Marc works as a psychedelic therapist in MDMA and psilocybin clinical trials.
He is the author Psychedelic Integration: Psychotherapy for Non-Ordinary states. (Synergetic Press 2022)