Michael McGee, MD
Doctor of Psychiatry
Avila Beach CA
My work begins with developing both a deep mutual understanding and safe connection with my patients. My approach is eclectic. I include psychospiritual interventions to compliment biological, psychodynamic, interpersonal, and cognitive-behavioral interventions. I combine trauma work when needed with awakening-relational practices to cultivate the capacity to love. I provide ketamine-assisted psychotherapy and psychedelic integration services.
I graduated from Stanford University with a degree in Biology with distinction. I received my M.D. from Stanford University School of Medicine and completed my residency in Psychiatry at Harvard Medical School, including a Chief Residency in Inpatient psychiatry.
I have directed several treatment programs, participated in government-funded outcomes research, and have published in the areas of spirituality, addictions, and clinical treatment.
I served for many years on the faculty of of McLean Hospital at Harvard Medical School, Boston.
I am Board Certified in General Psychiatry, Addiction Psychiatry, and Psychosomatic Medicine. I have extensive experience in addictions treatment, general adult psychiatry, and psychospiritual approaches to healing and optimal well-being.
I am the author of the multi-award-winning book, The Joy of Recovery. I am also the author of 101 Things You Need to Know if You’re Addicted to Painkillers.
I have a private practice near San Luis Obispo, CA, where I practice a combination of psychotherapy and psychopharmacology, including ketamine-assisted psychotherapy and psychedelic integration services.