Nathalia Gagnon, MA, RCAT
Somatic Psychotherapy, Registered Art Therapist
Victoria BC
A somatic approach to the integration process can offer support to the nervous system and emotional body to increase it's natural coherence, adaptive functioning and mental emotional health.
Somatic psychedelic integration can assist with emotional regulation, sensory affective processing, personal development and spiritual growth. Integrative support can provide many aspects of psychedelic experiences an opportunity to be processed within a broader spectrum of holistic integration.
For the past ten years, my journey as a registered art therapist has been about supporting clients recovering from trauma and early childhood adversity (ACE). Navigating with them psycho-emotional healing pathways have provided me opportunities to broaden my insights on our natural potential for healing, growth, creative vitality and enhancing our mindbody's wisdom.
Medical Qi Gong