Norbert Jamróz, MA
Poznań WP
In my work I integrate various psychological approaches and theories focused around the mindfulness model (ACT, MBCT, existential, humanistic, psychodynamic, self-compassion). I work with people suffering from depression, anxiety and PTSD. I also work with people who have psychedelic experiences with intentions to bring these experiences into their lives.
Norbert is a psychologist specializing in clinical psychology, ACT psychotherapist, neurofeedback therapist, VR therapist, trainer He completed a master’s degree in clinical psychology at the University of Social Sciences and Humanities and international economic relations at the University of Economics in Poznań. He is also a graduate of MBA studies (Poznań University of Economics and Nottigham Trent University in UK). He is currently developing in the field of ACT psychotherapy (Acceptance and Commitment Therapy) and participates in MBCT (Mindfulness Based Cognitive Therapy) training for therapists conducted by the Mindfulness Development Foundation and the Oxford Mindfulness Center. He is currently: – co-creates a psychological center offering psychotherapy and mindfulness training, using modern technologies such as VR and neurofeedback in therapy – IPSOM Psychosomatic Institute (www.ipsom.pl) – co-creates a project of mindfulness-based leadership training – mind.process (www.mindprocess.pl) – co-creates a project of psychedelic integration (www.psychodelicznaintegracja.pl) He is a member of the Association for Contextual Behavioral Science, MIND – European Foundation for Psychedelic Science and Polish Psychedelic Society.