Rachel Whitehead, MCouns
Counsellor, Therapist
Brisbane QLD
Sessions are intuitively guided according the needs of the individual at that point in their life. Creatively drawing on a diverse range of therapeutic approaches, I am deeply invested in my clients and work closely them for ultimate healing, growth and transformation. This is profoundly beautiful work.
Hello! I am Rachel, living and working in Redcliffe, Australia. I have been within the mental health field for 23 years and worked in private practice the past 7. I work with anyone over the age of 12, from all walks of life, with a variety of presenting issues.
Since 2020 I have been working with many people in the area of microdosing support and integration therapy.
I also facilitate a growing community of ecstatic earth dancers, facilitate vision quests and offer energetic healing work, alongside the counselling and plant medicine support.
For more info please refer to my website https://www.rachelwhitehead.com.au
Please check your junk mail if you send an enquiry and do not receive a reply email from me.
Best wishes! Rachel 🙏🏼