Sarah Schaefer, BSc
BSN, RN, Certified Integrative Mental Health Coach
Lewiston ID
I work 1 on 1 coaching in person or via telehealth. I also work with groups of people looking to increase personal awareness and growth through somatics, psychedelics and aroma therapy. For those clients who might be hesitant to explore psychedelic use, I offer psyche exploration utilizing powerful aromas and meditations both individually and in groups.
Our Rekindle Couples Experience weekends help couples reconnect with one another and learn to communicate effectively with one another in a matter of hours utilizing MDMA. The Experience is a very powerful time together that can completely redefine people both individually and as couples, making for lasting changes for participating couples as well as their families after their return.
I am a nurse of 31 years who struggled with depression for over 2 decades. Prescription medications just weren't working anymore and I had hit an all time low feeling quite hopeless that I would ever truly be happy. And then I discovered psilocybin and the powerful mind changing medicine that it is. After embarking on my own very powerful healing journey with a variety of psychedelic medicines and becoming very involved in educating myself about them, I decided more people needed to know about their healing properties.
So began a series of trainings in the psychedelics and integration world as well as earning my certificate in Integrative Mental Health Coaching, pouring over studies and researching safety profiles. I then paired up with a therapist colleague and friend and together we formed Transformative Solutions LLC so that we could educate, hold space for and help clients integrate their own psychedelic experiences. We have both experienced and witnessed the powerful combination of psychedelics and therapy and the healing leaps our clients are able to make when done in a safe and intentional manner is remarkable. We provide clients with a safe container to explore alternative methods of healing.
Rekindle Couples MDMA Experience, 90 Day Microdosing Coaching, Group Microdosing, Group Aroma and the Psyche Exploration, Mental Health Coaching