Shoshana Aal, PsyD
Denver CO
I provide an empathetic, caring and insightful experience to help you feel safe to explore your world and gain the resilience you need. My work is non-judgemental and helps you cultivate a peaceful mind because a mind at peace is a mind open to experiencing all that the world truly holds. I provide therapy using mindfulness, self awareness, and traditional therapy modalities like CBT and psychodynamic therapy.
Hello, my name is Dr. Shoshana Aal. We are all looking to bring more peace into our lives and sometimes its a little closer then we think. By providing therapy based on internal curiosity and self-acceptance I can show you how to find more of the peace of mind that is already there waiting for you. I am a licensed psychologist that also provides therapy based on non-ordinary states of consciousness. I have a special interest in working with people who identify as having trauma, having grief and loss, having attachment issues, having relationship issues, being a part of the LGBTQ community, creatives, and other people who, one way or another, have a tendency to think outside the box. I have a practice in Denver, Colorado called Watermark Counseling.