Steven Mandel, MD
Board-certified Anesthesiologist, masters degree in psychology
Los Angeles CA
Having administered more than 14,000 ketamine infusions, Dr. Mandel works closely with patients to treat mental health disorders including depression, suicidality, anxiety and PTSD as well as chronic pain.
Steven L. Mandel, M.D., is an internationally recognized expert and pioneer in the use of ketamine infusion therapy to treat mental health disorders and chronic pain. Dr. Mandel has more than 40 years of experience utilizing ketamine as a board-certified anesthesiologist. He also earned his master’s degree in psychology. He is the founder and president of Ketamine Clinics Los Angeles, a leading ketamine infusion therapy clinic in Southern California.
Dr. Mandel is also a founder of the American Society of Ketamine Physicians, Psychotherapists and Practitioners (ASKP3), was the organization’s first president and is currently an active board member. ASKP3 is a nonprofit professional organization dedicated to the safe, ethical and therapeutic use of ketamine for mental health disorders and pain.
Dr. Mandel often speaks at a variety of industry conferences and is frequently quoted in the media regarding common misconceptions about ketamine, recent studies and clinical trials, best practices, innovations in the field, the latest advances in treating mental health disorders and how ketamine infusion therapy compares with traditional medications and treatments.
Dr. Mandel earned his medical degree from the University of Southern California Keck School of Medicine and completed his residency in anesthesiology at Massachusetts General Hospital and the University of California Los Angeles Center for the Health Sciences. He received a master’s degree in psychology from the University of Cincinnati and a bachelor’s degree from New York University.