50 Shadow Work Prompts For Your Next Journal Session

Use these 50 shadow work journal prompts to uncover hidden aspects of yourself for profound self-understanding and growth.
Shadow Work Journal Prompts. Image is of a person writing in a journal - it's a close up of their hands writing and the notebook. There are candles on the right, and a cup of a warm beverage too. Seeping from the pages of the notebook are black smokey cloud patterns. Rising up above the page are lilac smokey cloud patterns.
Author: Katharine Chan, MSc, BSc, PMP
By Katharine Chan, MSc, BSc, PMP
August 28, 2023(Updated: March 28, 2024)

Journalling is an effective way to engage in shadow work. Read on to learn more about shadow work, its benefits, what shadow work journal prompts are, how to incorporate shadow work into your journalling practice, and 50 examples for you to use in your next journal session for different areas of your life.

What is Shadow Work?

Shadow work is a profound psychological concept that helps us understand the hidden, often unconscious, aspects of our psyche. Rooted in Jungian psychology, shadow work emphasizes the exploration and integration of our darker thoughts, emotions, and traits that we tend to repress, suppress, or deny. 

The term “shadow self” refers to the parts of ourselves that we hide due to societal norms, conditioning, personal experiences, history, or fear of rejection. It encompasses the unconscious aspects of our personality that we may not be fully aware of. These include traits such as anger, envy, lust, selfishness, greed, sexual desires, shame, and other suppressed emotions that we might disassociate from our known identity.

Read about How Bottling Up Emotions Can Hurt Your Physical and Mental Health

Shadow work involves delving into these aspects, acknowledging their existence, and bringing them to light. 

By confronting and integrating these suppressed elements, you can gain a deeper understanding of their motivations, triggers, and behaviors. Shadow work is not only a therapeutic endeavor but also a spiritual journey toward self-awareness and personal growth. It’s a process that helps individuals break free from the constraints of their past conditioning and achieve a more authentic and balanced sense of self.

Read more about How Psychedelics Integrate With Shadow Work

Why Should You Do Shadow Work?

Engaging in shadow work offers numerous benefits, including increased self-awareness, emotional resilience, and improved relationships. 

The benefits of shadow work include:

  • A greater sense of wholeness
  • Greater creativity
  • Improved clarity
  • Healing past wounds
  • Releasing emotional baggage that has limited personal growth and development

Shadow work is not a linear process. It requires patience, self-compassion, and a willingness to embrace the complexity of one’s own psyche. Ultimately, it leads to personal transformation and a more authentic way of living.

What Are Shadow Work Journal Prompts?

Shadow work typically involves self-reflection, journaling, therapy, meditation, and inner exploration through practices like dream analysis.

Shadow work journal prompts are thought-provoking questions designed to guide individuals through the process of exploring their innermost thoughts, emotions, and subconscious patterns. 

These prompts provide us with a bridge to explore the depths of our psyche, uncovering suppressed feelings, unresolved conflicts, and hidden aspects of ourselves that may have been buried over time. 

Learn about How To Cope With Difficult Emotions

difficult emotions. shadow work journal prompts.

Each journal prompt acts as a catalyst by encouraging self-reflection and shining a light on our shadow self. These questions invite us to confront our fears, insecurities, and negative patterns of behavior that might be holding us back. 

Shadow work journal prompts encourage openness, honesty, and authenticity with ourselves, providing a safe space for us to confront our inner struggles without judgment. 

As you work through the prompts, you will begin to recognize the patterns and beliefs that have been shaping your life. 

This process of self-discovery and acceptance paves the way for healing, transformation, and ultimately integrating the once-neglected aspects of yourself into a more holistic and empowered sense of identity.

How to Begin Shadow Work Through Journalling

Performing shadow work through journalling can be a different experience than normal journaling. Most of us journal about what happened during the day and what we thought about it. 

However, journalling with shadow work prompts can be both challenging and liberating. They bring out uncomfortable or unsettling emotions and memories that you might have avoided in the past. However, when you address these suppressed feelings, you can gain a better understanding of their motivations, triggers, and the underlying causes of your behaviors. 

Here is a step-by-step guide for incorporating shadow work into your journalling practice:

  1. Set the Intention: Begin by setting a clear intention for your shadow work practice. Understand that this process is about self-discovery, healing, and growth. Acknowledge that you’re ready to confront and integrate the hidden aspects of yourself.
  2. Create a Safe and Sacred Space: Find a quiet and comfortable space where you can journal without distractions. Close the blinds, light a candle, play soothing music, grab a soft pillow, use a warm blanket, and create an environment that makes you feel centered and focused.
  3. Choose a Prompt: Select a shadow work journal prompt that resonates with you. These prompts are designed to bring out deep thoughts and emotions, so choose one that addresses a specific aspect of yourself that you want to explore.
  4. Reflect and Write: Take a few deep breaths to center yourself. Read the chosen prompt slowly and take the time to let it sink in. Begin writing your response without filtering your thoughts. Allow your subconscious mind to express itself freely. Write without judgment or self-criticism.
  5. Dive Deep: As you respond to the prompt, go beyond the surface-level answers. Ask yourself why you feel a certain way, where these feelings came from, and how they have influenced your thoughts and behavior.
  6. Explore Emotions: Pay attention to the emotions that come up during this process. Be open to experiencing discomfort or unease, as these are signs that you’re facing the shadow aspects of your psyche.
  7. Stay Curious: Approach your responses with curiosity and a willingness to learn about yourself. Treat your journal as a safe space where you can be completely honest with yourself.
  8. Embrace Vulnerability: Shadow work requires vulnerability. Be willing to confront aspects of yourself that you might have avoided or denied. This vulnerability is essential for healing and growth.
  9. Practice Self-Compassion: Throughout your journaling session, treat yourself with compassion. Give yourself the same kindness and understanding that you would offer to a loved one or friend. Remember that these hidden aspects are a natural part of being human.
  10. Reflect and Integrate: After journaling, read over your words and take a moment to reflect. Consider how these insights relate to your behavior, relationships, and life patterns. Identify any actionable steps you can take to integrate these insights into your life positively.
  11. Repeat the Process: Shadow work is an ongoing process, so continue using different journal prompts as you feel ready. Regular practice can lead to deeper self-awareness and profound transformation over time.
  12. Seek Support: If you encounter particularly challenging emotions or memories during shadow work, don’t hesitate to seek the support of a therapist or counselor. They can provide guidance and help you navigate the process in a healthy way.
Shadow Work Journal Prompts. A person walking up a flight of stairs walking up out of the dark towards an opening at the top of the dark space. There are green vines growing around the person.

If you are looking for guidance on shadow work and personal healing, click here to find a licensed therapist online or near you.

50 Shadow Work Prompt Examples

Here are shadow work prompt examples for you to start your self-discovery and healing journey for different areas of your life. Remember to approach this process with patience, self-love, and a commitment to your personal growth journey.

Core Values

Knowing your values is essential for living a balanced and healthy life. When you know your values, you are able to make decisions that align with your authentic self, build strong connections, and feel confident in fulfilling your goals and achievements. 

Here are 10 shadow work prompts to help you understand your core values.

  1. Reflect on a time when you felt strongly triggered by someone’s actions or words. What value of yours do you think was being challenged in that situation? How did your emotional reaction reveal something important about what you value?
  2. Reflect on a situation where you found yourself judging someone else’s choices or behavior. What values of yours might have influenced those judgments? How do these judgments reflect aspects of your own value system?
  3. Think about a decision you made that you later regretted. What values were in conflict during that decision-making process? How did these conflicting values contribute to the feelings of regret?
  4. Recall a time when you felt envious or jealous of someone else’s success or achievements. What values of yours might have been triggered by those feelings? How can exploring this emotion lead you to a deeper understanding of your own aspirations and values?
  5. Think about a value you hold dear but find difficult to express openly. Why do you think you struggle to express this value? How might embracing and expressing this value more fully impact your life?
  6. Reflect on a situation where you compromised your values to avoid conflict or gain approval. What were the consequences of that compromise? How can you learn from this experience to better align your actions with your values in the future?
  7. Think about a value you were taught or conditioned to believe in by society, family, or culture. Do you genuinely resonate with this value, or does it create inner conflict? How can you navigate this conflict to uncover your true, authentic values?
  8. Consider a relationship that ended due to differences in values. What were the core values that clashed? How did the awareness of these conflicting values contribute to your growth and understanding of yourself?
  9. Reflect on a value you hold that has evolved or changed over time. What experiences or insights led to this evolution? How has this shift in values impacted your perspective and choices?
  10. Imagine yourself embodying your most cherished values fully. How would you show up in your relationships, career, and personal life? What steps can you take to align your actions and decisions with these values moving forward?

Career and Work

Our work and service to others give us purpose and meaning. A fulfilling career allows us to feel we are making a difference in society and plays an important role in defining our identity in the world.

Here are 10 shadow work prompts that offer you a deeper perspective on your feelings, beliefs, and challenges about your career and work.

  1. What fears or insecurities hold you back from pursuing your dream career? How have these fears influenced your decisions in the past?
  2. When did you first start forming beliefs about success and failure in your career? How do these beliefs impact your current choices and actions?
  3. Are there any patterns of self-sabotage or procrastination that you notice in your career journey? When do these patterns tend to arise, and what might be their root causes?
  4. What external expectations or pressures from others, such as parents or friends, have influenced your career choices? How do these expectations align or conflict with your true desires?
  5. Have you ever felt envious or resentful of someone else’s career success? What does this reveal about your own aspirations and feelings of inadequacy?
  6. What parts of your current job or career path do you find unfulfilling or draining? How might these feelings reflect deeper aspects of yourself that you have been neglecting?
  7. How do you define success in your career? What standards or comparisons are you using to measure your worth and achievements?
  8. Have you ever made a career decision solely to please others or to fit in with societal norms? How has this impacted your sense of authenticity and fulfillment?
  9. Are there any past failures or setbacks in your career that you haven’t fully processed or learned from? What lessons can you take from these experiences to help you move forward?
  10. If you could pursue any career path without limitations or judgments, what would it be? What is stopping you from taking steps toward that direction, and how can you address those barriers?


Strong relationships help us feel connected in the world and create a better sense of self-worth. When we hold repressed emotions and neglect parts of ourselves, we are unable to show vulnerability to others and form authentic relationships. 

Here are 10 shadow work prompts to help you explore and reflect on your relationships. 

  1. What recurring patterns or behaviors do you notice in your relationships? Are there similarities between these patterns and any experiences from your past?
  2. Think of someone who offers you support. Write them a letter that expresses how grateful you feel about their presence.
  3. What are your deepest fears or insecurities when it comes to forming connections with others? How do these fears impact your behavior and choices?
  4. Are there any specific individuals in your life with whom you feel tension or negativity? What aspects of yourself might you be projecting onto them, and what can you learn from this reflection?
  5. What qualities or traits do you find most challenging or triggering in others? How might these qualities mirror something within yourself that you haven’t fully acknowledged?
  6. How do you communicate your needs and boundaries in relationships? Are there times when you struggle to assert yourself or express your true feelings? Why might this be the case?
  7. What are your expectations and assumptions about romantic partnerships, friendships, or family relationships? How have these expectations influenced your relationships?
  8. Are there any past experiences where you were hurt or betrayed that you haven’t fully forgiven or let go of? How might holding onto these emotions be affecting your current relationships?
  9. How do you show love and affection to others, and how do you like to receive love in return? Are there any barriers that prevent you from fully giving or receiving love?
  10. When reflecting on your closest relationships, what qualities or behaviors do you admire and respect? How can you cultivate these qualities within yourself to improve your connections?


Unresolved trauma can present itself in many ways, negatively affecting your health and well-being. From headaches, sleep problems, and relationship issues to mental health disorders, trauma takes a toll on our minds and bodies. 

Here are 10 shadow work prompts to help you begin your healing process: 

  1. What is your biggest fear? What experiences and conditioning shaped this fear?
  2. Thinking about your childhood, were there any questions that you had that you never received a true answer to? Do you have an answer now?
  3. What is the relationship with your family (parents, relatives, siblings) currently like? How was it compared to when you were a child?
  4. As a child, when you made a mistake, broke a rule, or did poorly at school or an event, how did your caregivers respond? How do you feel when you experience failure or disappointment?
  5. What core values did your parents instill in you when you were growing up? Do you hold any of these values today? If not, how did your values evolve?
  6. What situations, words, or actions trigger intense emotional reactions in you? Why do they make you feel this way?
  7. Have you ever not been able to keep a promise you made to yourself? Why did you break the promise? How did you feel?
  8. When interacting with others, do you pretend to be someone you aren’t? What parts of yourself do you not want others to see? Why?
  9. Reflecting on your past and the decisions you have made, do you have any regrets? Is there anything you would want to change or prevent?
  10. What emotions are you comfortable feeling? Which ones do you have trouble managing? Why do you think that is?


Learning to love ourselves empowers us to set boundaries, take risks, treat ourselves with compassion, reduce stress, and improve our confidence. 

Here are 10 shadow prompts to help you explore what it means to love yourself unconditionally.

  1. How easy is it for you to forgive yourself? What are some things you have yet to forgive yourself for? Why haven’t you?
  2. Are there things that you have done in the past that you believe are unforgivable? Why is it hard to forgive yourself for this?
  3. When you need help, how often to ask for help? How easy is it for you to do this?
  4. What are some things you have always wanted to do in life but haven’t because of your fears?
  5. Do you ever self-sabotage and get in the way of your own success and happiness? Why do you think you do that to yourself?
  6. If a time machine existed, what would be some things you would say to yourself as a child?
  7. Think about the last time someone treated you with compassion. What did they do or say? How did you feel?
  8. Imagine living a life where you completely accept every part of who you are, how would that look like? What are some changes you need to make today to reach that?
  9. Do you tend to have people-pleasing behaviors? How does it feel when you say no to someone? If you were to make decisions based on what you want instead of what others want, how would this change your life?
  10. When someone offers to help you, what is your initial reaction and response? Why do you think you feel this way?

Be Patient With Yourself And The Process

Remember, shadow work is a deeply personal journey, and these prompts are meant to guide your exploration. Take your time and approach the process with self-compassion and openness.

You can learn how to discover your intention, understand practical preparation practices before your journey, explore psychedelic experiences from a supportive framework, and take steps to incorporate your experiences going forward in your life.

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Jung, C. G., Adler, G., & Hull, R. F. C. (1968). Collected Works of C.G. Jung, Volume 12: Psychology and Alchemy. Princeton University Press. Retrieved from https://www.jstor.org/stable/j.ctt5hhrm3

Mayer, B. A. (2021, July 27). Do You Have a Dark Side? Shadow Work Experts Say Yes. Healthline. https://www.healthline.com/health/mental-health/shadow-work

Regan, S. (2020, December 22). Meet Your “Shadow Self”: What It Is, When It Forms & How To Work With It. Mindbodygreen. https://www.mindbodygreen.com/articles/what-is-shadow-work

Wooll, M. (2022, June 13). 8 Benefits of Shadow Work and How to Start Practicing It. www.betterup.com. https://www.betterup.com/blog/shadow-work

The content provided is for educational and informational purposes only and should be a substitute for medical or other professional advice. Articles are based on personal opinions, research, and experiences of the author(s) and do not necessarily reflect the official policy or position of Psychedelic Support.

Published by:
Author: Katharine Chan, MSc, BSc, PMP
Katharine Chan, MSc, BSc, PMP
Katharine has over 15 years of experience working in British Columbia's healthcare system, leading patient safety incident investigations, quality and systems improvement projects, and change management initiatives within mental health, emergency health services, and women's health. She has published in scientific journals and co-authored health research books. Her bylines include Verywell Mind, CBC Parents, Family Education, Mamamia Australia, HuffPost Canada, and CafeMom. Check out her books at Sum (心,♡) on Sleeve.

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