Sacred plants are the new hype, and ceremonies are popping up everywhere, enticing you to journey to the other side. Many hope and wish that plant medicine can be the final magic pill, and after the ceremony—after a night of darkness and puking your guts out—it will heal you and elevate your life into the heavenly realms. I have to confess I did.
In fact, I believed in this so deeply that, over 12 years ago, I was willing to give up my whole life and everything familiar to follow this calling to Peru.
But I must tell you that I wasn’t in heaven at all when I came out of the deep jungle after my first Ayahuasca dieta. Instead, I felt even more lost, confused, and miserable. I even skipped the afterglow—you know, the part after the ceremony when you feel so good.
“Awareness is the key to creating change because you can’t change what you don’t know.”
— Nina Izel
The Dark Night of the Soul
I went straight into shadow work, but nobody prepared me for that experience. In fact, after my retreat, we said our farewell and never spoke again with the shaman, the plant master, and the retreat organizer.
So, I was left alone to follow my own guidance. Now, that was a terrifying experience. I had a really tough time. I thought I was losing my mind as my life was falling apart.
I tried to figure out what was wrong and what I should do, but it was a confusing process full of trial and error. Finally, I found someone who told me about the integration process and helped me understand how to work with plant medicine outside the ceremony container. I am so grateful for that beautiful angel.
Integrating My Experience After the Ceremony
It took me almost 2 years to integrate my first dieta experience. Finally, I understood that the ceremony is just the beginning of the journey, and the most significant part of the journey comes after the ceremony, during the integration process. I have to say, I felt angry at the beginning because nobody told me this. But later, I simply felt grateful for the guidance and support that helped me create the results I sought.
I cannot describe the impact of the integration process on my life. It helped me embody my insights and translate my newly gained wisdom into behavior. It completely changed my life. I moved to Mexico, repaired my relationships, healed my body, and pivoted my work into psychedelic-assisted therapy. That’s what I call a real new beginning.
Since then, I have helped many people integrate their plant medicine work into embodied behavior and life-changing results.
Based on my experience as a professional therapist and a shamanic practitioner, you need three things to achieve breakthrough results on your plant medicine path.
Essential Resources for Psychedelic Integration:
- Learn About Integrating Ayahuasca Experiences: Common Themes, Challenges, and Practices
- Navigate the Ups and Downs of Psychedelic Integration with These 5 Tips
- Is There a Difference? Integration Support vs Integration Therapy
- Find Out How to Find the Best Psychedelic Integration Therapist for You
- Explore Journaling Your Way Through Integration
Three Keys for Breakthrough Results
1. The Medicine
Sacred plants expand your awareness. Awareness is the key to creating change because you can’t change what you don’t know. What you do with your new awareness is totally up to you. However, change doesn‘t come only from awareness itself; it is the first step. You have to act upon that awareness and practice the new behavior—and this takes some dedication and effort.
2. Professional Guidance
Just as you need a legitimate shaman to serve you medicine and create a sacred space for your journey, your best ally is a professional guide, both before and after your ceremony. Such an ally means somebody who:
- Is a trained therapist
- Is trauma-informed
- Has an extensive toolbox
- Has a long personal experience working with sacred plants
- Can create a safe container for deep inner work to happen
Of course, it is possible to go without a guide, but you have to experiment by trial and error. Your journey will take much longer and be more painful, and many abandon the path when it gets hard. This approach is a path less traveled. You need all the help you can get until you learn to navigate this journey with ease and confidence.
Follow your Curiosity
Sign up to receive our free psychedelic courses, 45 page eBook, and special offers delivered to your inbox.3. YOU
Healing is a participatory process. Your openness, willingness, and commitment are the most important. If you are unwilling to let go of what is not serving you, nobody can help you, not even sacred plants!
Sacred plants are not magic pills, and you cannot bypass the deep inner work you need to do to create the changes you desire—period. Change takes time. It’s not overnight—it’s more like a journey and taking one step at a time.
Getting the Most from Your Plant Medicine Experience
If you’re considering working with sacred plants or have already experienced a ceremony, remember that true transformation is a journey, not a destination. The ceremony opens the door, but it’s up to you to walk through it and do the work. With proper guidance, commitment, and patience, the insights from your plant medicine experience can turn into lasting changes in your life. Whether you’re just starting or already on this path, honor your journey, take one step at a time, and, most importantly, reach out for help as you navigate this profound process of transformation.
If you’re ready to create lasting change through plant medicine work, I’m here to support your integration journey. Connect with me for guidance on turning your ceremonial insights into embodied wisdom and real-life results. Connect with me for a free consultation if this calls your heart!
With love, Nina Izel