Trauma Healing with Ayahuasca

Explore how Ayahuasca aids in trauma healing, helping you reconnect with your true self and overcome deep-seated emotional wounds.
Trauma Healing. A steaming glass jar filled with a crimson herbal ayahuasca concoction, surrounded by dried ayahuasca bark and leaves on a rustic wooden table. In the background, a female-presenting person with an afro hairstyle sits on the floor, draped in soft, warm light, their back to the camera, gazing into the distance.
Author: Nina Izel
By Nina Izel
September 5, 2024

Imagine unlocking a hidden door to profound healing and self-discovery by addressing your deepest, most concealed wounds. Trauma, often an invisible barrier, fragments your sense of self. It leaves lasting scars on your mental, emotional, and physical well-being. But what if there was a powerful ally that could help you reconnect with your true self—and heal these wounds? Read on to learn three ways Ayahuasca—an ancient Amazonian brew known for its transformative power—can aid in trauma healing.

“Awareness of the trauma is the first step in the healing process: you can’t heal what you are not aware of.”

— Nina Izel

What Is Trauma?

Trauma is a disconnection from the Self caused by an overwhelming experience that could not be processed at the moment of occurrence. The impact of trauma leads to fragmentation of the Self and has long-term mental, emotional, and physical effects. When you are traumatized, you disconnect from yourself, and this detachment deeply affects your health and happiness. 

Two Causes of Trauma

Trauma is often categorized into two types of causes: acts of omission and acts of commission.

1. Commission

Acts of commission refer to harmful actions that are actively done to a person. This includes physical, emotional, or sexual abuse and any form of violence or maltreatment. An act of commission often results in direct, identifiable harm. It can lead to a wide range of psychological and emotional issues, such as PTSD, anxiety, and depression.

2. Omission

Acts of omission involve the absence of essential nurturing experiences during crucial developmental periods, especially the first seven years of a child’s life. This type of trauma involves what didn’t happen but should have. It includes neglect, lack of emotional support, absence of love, and unmet needs for safety and security. Acts of omission can also lead to a range of psychological and emotional issues, such as PTSD, anxiety, and depression. It may manifest as feelings of worthlessness, insecurity, and difficulties in forming healthy relationships.

Trauma from both types of acts can have lasting impacts on an individual’s health, happiness, and overall well-being. 

Can You Heal Trauma?

Healing trauma is possible, but it can be a complex and often challenging process. Often, you may not recognize that your symptoms or behaviors are related to trauma. You might not even remember the traumatic event. 

Awareness of the trauma is the first step in the healing process: you can’t heal what you are not aware of. Accessing this awareness can be a significant hurdle in itself, as the roots of trauma are deeply hidden in the unconscious, protected from your conscious mind. Many healing methods fail to reach the root of the problem necessary for true healing and long-term recovery.

Denial is another form of protection that can prevent you from seeking help and addressing painful memories from your past. Feelings of shame and self-blame can also hinder your progress by making you feel unworthy of healing.

Healing from trauma often requires a long-term commitment, patience, persistence, and ongoing conscious effort—qualities that not everyone is willing or able to invest.

3 Ways Ayahuasca Can Help You to Heal Trauma

Based on my experience, Ayahuasca is the most powerful ally in your trauma healing. Here’s how it can assist:

1. Awareness

The altered state of consciousness induced by Ayahuasca can lead to a rapid expansion of your awareness, bringing the unconscious into consciousness. This heightened awareness often results in profound insights and a deeper understanding of yourself and your trauma, helping you reframe your experiences and release long-held suffering. Ayahuasca can also rapidly break down internal resistance, allowing you to confront and address deep-seated issues that traditional healing methods traditional healing methods may not reach. Awareness and this ability to bypass conventional barriers are crucial for achieving the necessary depth of insight for trauma healing.

Essential Reads on Trauma, Healing, and Psychedelic Therapies

However, uncovering suppressed memories and bringing unconscious trauma to the surface can be intense and overwhelming. It is essential to approach Ayahuasca ceremonies with caution and under the guidance of experienced facilitators who can provide a safe and supportive environment. With the right support and by expanding your awareness, Ayahuasca provides a unique approach to accessing and healing the root causes of trauma, often in just one ceremony, but it’s crucial to handle this process with care.

2. Emotional Healing 

Ayahuasca’s power and efficacy in trauma healing lies in its ability to bring suppressed emotions to the surface for healing and release. Many traditional methods and forms of talk therapy fail to address the emotional aspects of healing fully. Without this important part, we are all doomed to fail and repeat our old mistakes.

Ayahuasca supports emotional healing by uncovering and releasing suppressed emotions and memories of trauma hidden by your unconscious, allowing you to acknowledge them and break free from patterns that no longer serve you. 

Healing emotional wounds empowers you to reclaim control over your life, establish healthy boundaries, and make better choices. It is vital for your inner peace and contentment, enabling you to experience greater joy and fulfillment. By addressing and healing your emotional wounds, you can unlock your full potential for a more authentic and empowered existence.

3. Spiritual Reconnection 

You are a spiritual being having a human experience. The deepest level of healing involves reconnecting with your true self and spiritual nature. Without this connection, healing remains incomplete, and you may always feel a sense of longing for something deeper.

Working with Ayahuasca often provides a sense of connection to a higher power, the universe, or a greater consciousness. This spiritual reconnection helps you see the bigger picture and align with your true self, fostering inner peace, purpose, and a deeper understanding of your place in the world. From this perspective, forgiveness, empathy, and compassion become more accessible, leading to clarity and direction for positive life changes.

For those open to this path, Ayahuasca can be an invaluable tool for spiritual growth and deep healing, offering breakthrough results.


The insights and experiences gained during an Ayahuasca ceremony can be transformative and life-changing. However, integrating these experiences into your daily life is crucial. Continued support from therapists, spiritual guides, or support groups is necessary to maintain and deepen your healing process. It’s essential to choose reputable, experienced facilitators and safe, supportive environments for your Ayahuasca ceremony and to ensure proper aftercare and the guidance of a professional Ayahuasca integration specialist. 


The journey to trauma healing is not straightforward, but with Ayahuasca as your guide, you can navigate its complexities and emerge stronger, more connected, and genuinely transformed. By integrating the deep insights and emotional releases gained from Ayahuasca ceremonies, you can break free from the chains of your past and embrace a life of authenticity and empowerment. 

If you are ready to experience profound healing and liberation free from the shackles of your past with Ayahuasca-assisted therapy, don’t hesitate to connect with me for a free consultation.

With Love,
— Nina Izel 

The content provided is for educational and informational purposes only and should be a substitute for medical or other professional advice. Articles are based on personal opinions, research, and experiences of the author(s) and do not necessarily reflect the official policy or position of Psychedelic Support.

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Author: Nina Izel
Nina Izel
Nina Izel is a healer, teacher, and author of the book: Heart Medicine, Ayahuasca Assisted Therapy and the Integration Process. Nina combines psychology, holistic healing tools and shamanic healing technologies to assist individuals to take back the power over their health and life. Nina's motto is "You are the healer and love is the medicine!" Learn more at Nina's website or her Psychedelic Support community group.

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