Triumph Over Darkness: Navigating Spiritual Emergencies and Ayahuasca Experiences

Discover the connection between ayahuasca and black magic. Safely navigate spiritual emergencies and protect yourself on your journey.
Ayahuasca and Black Magic. A person with their arms in the air standing on a rock with a blue sky with some clouds in the background, and a white border around the image.
Author: Nina Izel
By Nina Izel
March 18, 2024

The Spiritual Realm 

More and more people come to my psychedelic integration practice who suffer from a certain kind of spiritual emergency. These are often the result of intrusive energies, black magic spells, and psychic attacks after an Ayahuasca ceremony.

I used to believe that magic, wizards, and witches belonged to the world of fairy tales—not in real life. Taught that nothing exists beyond the material, I was convinced that magic spells and love potions are just fantasy. I was told that logic and reason are of the highest value. That intuition, feelings, and inner guidance couldn’t be trusted or followed if you wanted to be loved and accepted

Today, I know that there are many invisible worlds and much exists beyond the material, beyond the mind and the five senses. Psychedelics are powerful tools to open doors into these invisible worlds. It’s our choice and responsibility to decide which doors we wish to open and go through. 

And don’t think that this is something we know nothing about in the Western world. Let me tell you: the CIA had a secret program called MKUltra. It started in 1953 and included using LSD as a possible truth serum to extract information from people, and dosed people with LSD and other drugs without their consent. And that was not all! In 1978, the Stargate Project was established to study psychic phenomena. The work primarily involved remote viewing—the ability to psychically “see” events, sites, or information from a great distance. Much exists beyond the ordinary.

What is Black Magic? 

I believe black magic is as real as healing and can harm you, drive you crazy, or potentially kill you. 

White magic or healing is supporting somebody with the intention of upliftment and from a place of love. For example, praying for someone’s recovery when sick can be very healing, as can physically, mentally, or emotionally supporting somebody when they are having a hard time. 

We have to accept that predators exist. I have experienced this truth many times and I am sure you have too.

Nina Izel

Black magic is when tools and knowledge are used with the intention to cause harm, bring someone down, or manipulate or control someone. Some people decide to take this path for personal gain of money, sex, and power. Black magic is often hidden, invisible, and hard to detect. In most cases, the individuals are not aware that they are victimized. 

I know that healing exists because I experience it all the time. And I know that black magic exists because we live in duality, and everything has its opposites. Where there is light, there is darkness also. 

We have to accept that predators exist. I have experienced this truth many times and I am sure you have too. The only thing you can do is to choose wisely which path you take and remember that your choices always have consequences.

Ayahuasca and Black Magic 

One of the biggest misconceptions about sacred plants is that they are benevolent spirits who will heal you and can’t harm you. It’s important to understand that sacred plants like ayahuasca are powerful amplifiers of energy. They are neither good nor bad and rather magnify the energy of the person who is working with them. Ultimately, what matters most is the intention of the person using a sacred plant—for ill or for good. 

One of the biggest misconceptions about sacred plants is that they are benevolent spirits who will heal you and can’t harm you.

Ninz Izel

When someone has healing, integration, and purification work to do, it’s easy to give in to the temptation and promises of the dark side. This is the most common reason why people misuse sacred plants like ayahuasca for black magic. The greater the power, the greater the temptation, and the greater the responsibility. No one is immune to that. When we work with sacred plants, it’s our responsibility to be discerning and to protect ourselves.

If you wish to work with Mother Ayahuasca, it is of utmost importance that you choose a safe space and people with the highest levels of ethics and integrity to do so. Ayahuasca herself doesn’t harm you. That said, she can amplify harmful energies sent to you from particular people who work with these energies. 

Safely Navigate Your Journeys: Ethics, Ayahuasca Traditions, and More from Nina Izel:

Red Flags 

How can you know if you are possibly a victim of black magic?

Based on my experience, the following are the most common symptoms of black magic and intrusive energies. You might feel some of these during the ceremony. More often, however, after the ceremony or retreat, you fall into a seemingly never-ending downward spiral without any relief. 

  • Lingering, very dark, and heavy energy 
  • Growing self-doubt and thought loops 
  • Negative voices driving you crazy, pushing you deeper into self-doubt 
  • A really strong sense that something is not right, fear or anxiety
  • Feeling drained all the time
  • Falling into despair
  • Hallucinations, insomnia, or loss of appetite 

If these symptoms persist long-term and get worse over time after your ceremony, please contact a trained shamanic practitioner. They can clear these intrusive energies and then dive into your integration process with you. This process is to address the vulnerabilities that enabled the intrusive energy to connect to you in the first place.

In most cases, the individuals are not aware that they are victimized. 

Ninz Izel

We all have wounds and traumas. Imagine these creating holes in your aura, in your invisible energy body. This leaves you without protection and makes you vulnerable to these intrusive energies.

Guided integration allows us to address and heal those wounds and create healthy boundaries and energetic protection for ourselves. 

Are You Vulnerable?

Through my work, I have helped many people work through these types of spiritual emergencies, clear intrusive energies, heal their wounds, and integrate their shadow aspects. A common theme that stands out is a childlike naivete, denial of reality, desire to live in a fantasy world, and, of course, lack of boundaries that are rooted in childhood trauma.

Based on my experience, the following are the most common indicators that someone may be vulnerable.

  • Being very naive, denial of the shadow side (i.e., thinking that it’s all love and light)
  • Doubting yourself (lack of inner guidance)
  • Thinking that the medicine is purely good, will protect you, and cannot harm you 
  • Putting people on a pedestal, thinking that they are perfect (shamans, healers)
  • Lack of boundaries, lack of discernment of what is good and what is not (due to past trauma)

Follow your Curiosity

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Through conscious integration work, you can embrace and heal this wounded child aspect of yourself. You can empower yourself and recover your trust in the world and yourself once again.  

Transforming Darkness to Light 

I have listened to many horrifying stories from victims of plant medicines like ayahuasca and black magic. What struck me the most powerfully was that, in the end, there was always a happy ending—people healing themselves, taking back their power, turning a nightmare into a gift that they could feel grateful for and that was worth sharing—every time. 

Here are some of the common gifts and biggest learnings people received while going through these very challenging rite of passage experiences.

  • That the truth will set you free
  • The power of ‘no’
  • That you always have a choice
  • To trust and follow your heart and inner guidance
  • That love is the medicine 

I know that healing exists because I experience it all the time. And I know that black magic exists because we live in duality, and everything has its opposites.

Nina Izel

I think you can see these experiences as a rite of passage to sovereignty and personal empowerment, especially in retrospect. 

I deeply resonate with Dr. Stanislav Grof’s perspective. He thought that spiritual emergencies can be potentially positive and transformative and can lead to deep healing, personal growth, and spiritual awakening. Dr. Grof emphasizes the importance of a supportive and understanding environment and a trained guide or therapist. They can be crucial in helping individuals navigate and integrate these intense experiences.

Know that help is always available.
Stay safe on your plant medicine journey!

The content provided is for educational and informational purposes only and should be a substitute for medical or other professional advice. Articles are based on personal opinions, research, and experiences of the author(s) and do not necessarily reflect the official policy or position of Psychedelic Support.

Published by:
Author: Nina Izel
Nina Izel
Nina Izel is a healer, teacher, and author of the book: Heart Medicine, Ayahuasca Assisted Therapy and the Integration Process. Nina combines psychology, holistic healing tools and shamanic healing technologies to assist individuals to take back the power over their health and life. Nina's motto is "You are the healer and love is the medicine!" Learn more at Nina's website or her Psychedelic Support community group.

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