Private Integration for Guests of MycoMeditations.
Select a psychedelic integration specialist for continued post-retreat progress.

Private Integration for Guests of MycoMeditations.
Select a psychedelic integration specialist for continued post-retreat progress.

MycoMeditations has curated this list of psychedelic integration specialists in order to best support its guests in private post-retreat work. If you have attended MycoMeditations and would like to enhance and deepen your integration process, search through the program’s providers to find a coach that you think is best suited for you and your needs.
Learn More
MycoMeditations is a psilocybin retreat in Treasure Beach, Jamaica with hundreds of 5 star reviews on Google and TripAdvisor. Visit MycoMeditations to learn more about their world-class psilocybin-assisted retreats.
Integration Providers:
Integrative Psychtherapist in London, ENG
Associate Marriage & Family Therapist in Los Angeles, CA
Clinical Social Worker in Rochester, NY
Psychedelic Facilitator & Integration Coach in Multiple Locations
Therapist in Multiple Locations
Social Worker in Multiple Locations
Counselor in Portland, OR
Therapist in Edmonton, AB
Social Worker in Cottonwood, AZ
Therapist in Tulum, ROO